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Elite dangerous refinery required. Date Posted: Sep 23, 2019 @ 11:53am.

Elite dangerous refinery required Group Members: 40,000 Skip to content High Tech / Refinery. Yuri Grom (Controlling) Aisling Duval Edmund Mahon Arissa Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is On this page you can see all the locations of where to buy an 3A Refinery. Used broadly by industry as a cheap conductor and in many alloys. Democracy. I mine mineral and it fills up, I wann collect more of the mineral but my mineral catcher is full. Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is Hi, For clarity:-The SRV will refuel when you dock at a base. The ore goes from the hopper into the refinery and is process, with the different ores being separated into bins. Melting point 1358K. Yuri Grom (Controlling) Aisling Duval Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is . The system was the focus of conflict between the Federation and the Empire in the 3200s due to its tremendous mineral wealth, but the expulsion of Federal and Imperial forces by Alioth's indigenous population led to the creation of the Alliance in 3230. It’s not showing. (Though only a time-efficient way in very limited circumstances, I think) The Engineers are secretive, eccentric individuals who can modify the weapons and modules of ships to exceed baseline performance standards. Each individual commodity belongs in a group. Last edited: Jan 2, 2018. 81 / 32. Discussions Rules and Guidelines Below is the equipment list for mining in Elite Dangerous. 72 / 17. Refinery / Extraction. To refine the fragments, go to the refinery (can be accessed through the Systems Panel - on your right) and pick which resource types you would like to refine. It reduces thermal load, distributor draw, and power draw to allow for longer, sustained fire at the cost of a reduced fire rate. . 97. Dolphin Bottlenose. 19 / 12. The Detailed Surface Scanner can analyze Planetary Ring Systems and highlight The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. — In-Game Description Titan drive component is a Salvage Commodity of the Thargoids. #12. From Selene Jean (grade 3-4). Eg. Commercial Sample Salvage Missions? and the mission should display the quantity of the required item you have already acquired, if any. The market economies are dynamic, affected by the trade of other commanders, NPCs and events that occur in the system. 2) Scanned the nav beacon. The component is corrosive to ship modules, and can only be safely transported using a Corrosion Resistant Cargo Rack. 09. The largest refinery is Class 4A and has ten bins. Essential Elite Dangerous mining modules. 3) introduced new aspects to mining: using new tools and exploration mechanics, miners can investigate rings to locate the best spots to start their mining sessions, and then the best specific asteroids to probe and excavate for rewards. The big change has been on the Metals, where the ones which the Refinery Contact will convert for you now cost >2x the cost of the raw ore (rather than <0. We haven’t included modules that are integrated in every ship - such as the cargo scoop or FSS (Full-Spectrum System Scanner) - and instead have listed The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Often times ores will come with 'impurities'. This modification can be applied to the following Industrial / Refinery. Mining. Main stations. 2x), so the Refinery Contact is actually a cash-efficient way of getting them. Always go A Rated. 72 / 43. Corporate. Tepper Penal colony Surface Port - 20 Ls Equestrian Naval Fleet. Dangerous Discussion . Some common Perhaps I’m being dumb, but it thought I’d come here to ask for advice. Yuri Grom (Controlling) Aisling Duval Edmund Mahon Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Stronghold. Consent for the use . It allows for the collection of Cargo Canisters and other materials that are floating in space. I've now got no idea what to do, because venting them loses the items, and I don't want that to happen, but because the uranite is refined, shouldn't it go into my cargo slots (I've still got 6 free). Personal data stored on this site will not be sold/shared to third parties. It is also used in biotech and aquaculture especially in many extraterrestrial and hemocyanal species. Each commodity tends to be supplied or demanded by one or more categories of star system, e. A deployed cargo scoop will draw 0. - Refinery economy - Military economy - Service economy - Tourism economy - Colony economy - Prison economy Distance Ly System Elite Dangerous Tools was created using assets and imagery from The Hopper hold the unrefined ore that your limpets just deposited in the refinery. Elite Dangerous is a Live Service game and we anticipate that refining Engineering may take several passes. 34. I'd do whichever bin has the lowest % in it as whatever is in your hopper will probably get more from does this mean I need a refinery or is it because I am trying to pickup a rock that needs to be pickup up by a collector drone? The refinery allows you to convert harvested asteroid pieces into usable materials, which can be sold to trade-markets. It is available in 5 grades, with the highest grade offering up to 60% decrease in thermal load and 40% decrease in power draw. Low. So continue to mine and deploy/jettison limpets as required and then as cargo Permit required. Necessary Cookies This is required for this site to have features such as login Elite: Dangerous; Forum ; News; Archive; Help / Guides; Ships; Builds; Universe; Equipment; You can get materials from asteroids. High. Fortified. Security level. The hopper gets blocked up with materials the refinery isn’t using. Normal. Apr 10, 2022 @ 4:33am Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. Edmund Mahon (Controlling) Aisling Duval Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Reducing the number of materials required for Engineering. Other than manually ejecting selected materials from the hopper every couple minutes, is there a way to organize or select materials for Copper, Cu, atomic number 29. Star systems have a different government, local laws, and market economy. You need Allied status with a faction for a This is a list of Commodities which are available to trade on the Commodities Market. 44 / -9. Date Posted: Sep 23, 2019 @ 11:53am. At any space station (except Refinery and Extraction types). Look for signal sources on the far left of the spectrum IIRC. Ising Refinery Outpost (Civilian) - 42 Ls Federal Reclamation Co. Advanced mining in Elite Dangerous requires specialized tools to extract valuable resources from asteroids. Jerome Archer (Controlling) Edmund Mahon Li Yong-Rui Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite Elite: Dangerous PvE - Mobius. Edmund Mahon (Controlling) Felicia Winters Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite You will need to load the ore into your refinery bin again. 20% platinum 5% indite. Caxton is right, you cannot use a refinery with an SRV. Question re. Refineries are used to process Commodities from ring mining, things like Void Opals, Low Temp Diamonds, ‎Painite etc. The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. You can visit sites like Coriolis (more on that later) to build your ship, but first, what modules do you need as an Elite Dangerous miner?. Polkasa. As they reside in Workshops on planetary surfaces, they are only accessible to ships equipped with a Planetary Approach Suite. Once you find it you can target it directly from the FSS and fly to it like any signal source. Class DA star (white dwarf) Coordinates. 97 / 36. Clement Orbital Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and Permit required. Factions updated. 5 Inara commanders. You use mining lasers or blasters to free up the minerals. Galileo Starport (Ocellus) - 498 Ls Mother Gaia. I need to look for a signal in the system. In general though even smaller A class would do fine. Date Posted: Apr 9, 2022 @ 6:30pm. Efficient Weapon is an Engineer modification that can be applied to weapons. 0x. Refinery / Agriculture. What this means is that the more bins you have, the more things you can refine at one time. 34 / 38. There is never more than (4) of any mission objective commodity. Edmund Mahon (Controlling 03 Mar 2025, 6:04am. Elite: Dangerous; Forum ; News; Archive; Help The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Exploited. 24. The refinery is for mining things like gold, silver, bauxite, etc, that you will refine and sell at a station. So if a fragment contains platinum and gold, if you wanted both those materials, it would take up 2 bins. 19 / -43. Permit required. 19. However, we will be listening to your feedback as we go about this process. Fuel The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons Refinery / Agriculture. Collector limpet controller (required) Prospector limpet controller (required) Refinery (required, except for laser mining) Detailed surface scanner (required) Shield (recommended but not required) HARDPOINTS. Agony_Aunt. Oct 20, 2020 @ 12:49am Your hopper is filled The A4 refinery has enough bins that within a single ring you should never need to manually eject anything. Necessary Cookies This is required for this site to have features such as login, remember things etc. It is also has a reasonably expensive entry barrier; your ship will need to be When you mine, and the little bits are picked up and get transferred into your refinery, the refinery now needs 100% of each of those elements to produce a complete 1T of the item in your cargo My Dolphin Explorer carries a pair of mining lasers to harvest these in times of need. Edmund Mahon (Controlling) Felicia Winters Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous Surface mining is for materials, things like Iron, Lead, Nickel, Carbon etc. Allegiance. Otherwise, you need to collect the appropriate materials from a planet (see the synthesis tab for the recipes). They don't need any refining, they go straight into your materials inventory. 53. Posts: 16. Elite Dangerous > General Discussions > Topic Details. Reducing the number of materials required for Engineering. 02 Mar 2025, 7:30pm. Meeting requirements. A highly ductile lustrous red-orange metal, with good thermal and electrical conductivity. In this guide we will go through Only laser, refinery and a cargo hold are required, the rest is optional fluff that can streamline/improve the process. Federation. Coordinates. Deploying the cargo scoop and targeting a valid scoopable object will cause the target hologram to be replaced with a scoop helper interface. Manually, I could allocate it to a particular resource, correct? I could choose silver, and always silver, yes? But it seems that either because now I have a refinery with more than one bin, or because I am using collector limpet drones, it automatically The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. Consent for the use of cookies; Personal data stored on this site will not be sold/shared to third parties. McCandless Base Surface Port - 42 Ls Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not Elite Dangerous by Frontier Developments. Larger refineries are generally more useful for mining missions are you would stack different missions and fill up on different minerals. 67. g. Yes. NON-CORE SLOTS. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Something I discovered is that if your cargo hold is full of limpets and you have a size 4A refinery it can hold 10 refined units before they are moved to cargo inventory. State. These tools allow you to access higher-value materials like Void Opals, Low-Temperature Diamonds, and other rare You will find that class and rating are related. Jerome Archer (Controlling) Edmund Mahon Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite Is there a way to program the collectors to only pick up one material? I’ve noticed that when I’m mining they grab everything, and I get the unallocated message. A rating D class 3 refinery may have the same number of slots as a rating C class 2 refinery. They are functionally identical but the C2 refinery will fit into a smaller module slot but will probably be more expensive than the D3 refinery. Asteroids in the “core” systems are generally mined-out with no more resources left, but asteroids in other systems that are further out still have lots of resources left. 45. Powers. The equipment needed and locations used for the two types of mining are slightly different. Target them, deploy your cargo scoop and collect the ones that your scanner picks up as The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. one of them is indite (28%), and the other is uranite (refined). 3) Searched the system using FSS. 16 / 12. Your limpets Discover the ultimate strategies and tips for engineering in Elite Dangerous 2025. No refining required, just space in your material bin. As you collect fragments, your refinery adds the material from the fragment into a bin. Elite Dangerous: Beyond Chapter Four (3. At least one of these is required to The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Goods. Alternative to *that other subreddit* stock up on the resources required for "Source and Return" missions BEFORE you accept the missions, then accept and complete the missions in a single Mining asteroids was added to Elite Dangerous in Beta 3 and allows the player to recover raw materials from various asteroids found in systems. As you will focus mining on only a few rare items, you will only need a small refinery. Transfer to your carrier at least the quantity shown filling up the refinery to the carrier's hold first (or sell/dump that amount), the refinery hopper will then take a few seconds to empty then and only then try to donate the rest to the carrier. No. Iskariot. I'm new to mining but I really want Refineries have 'Bin Counts' which is basically a container for each resource, once a bin is full with a specific fragment, it's turned into a single unit of that You can get materials from asteroids. High Tech / Refinery. The Cargo Scoop is a standard piece of equipment which is mounted to every ship. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Since it says scan required you may need to bring out the FSS. Zemina Torval (Controlling) Arissa Lavigny-Duval Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Necessary Cookies This is required for this site to have features such as Frontier to reveal Elite Dangerous 2025 development roadmap during Frontier Unlocked at 18:00 GMT today (26th February). Jan 2, 2018 - A permit is required to enter this system. DMG = damage, DPS = damage per second, ROF = Rate The refinery is for mining things like gold, silver, bauxite, etc, that you will refine and sell at a station. Malchiodi Refinery Surface Port - 395 Ls Equestrian Naval Fleet. Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. I have a mission to collect Commercial Samples. Once cut off the chunks can be retrieved by cargo scoop or limpet drone. Picking a resource will refine it and place it in one of the refinery's bins. 54. 97 / -6 / -15. Medium. It is actually better to not have a refinery when you are only after materials, because then your collector limpets will only collect materials and leave the fragments alone. Population. A bio-mechanical component found in the upper region of the large spires at certain Thargoid planetary locations. Mobius, the dedicated Player vs Environment group in Elite: Dangerous. Author: Down To Earth Astronomy There are two main types of mining in Elite: Dangerous, Core mining where rocks are cracked open to access the valuable materials inside and laser mining where rock are mined with a traditional mining laser. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you Spire Refinery Compound. 66 / 35. This is the subreddit for everything related to mining in Elite:Dangerous. Independent. Every station has its own supply and demand that change dynamically. A component of a large Thargoid propulsion drive found in the wreckage of a Titan. Asteroid probe. Used in blueprints. Consent for the use Personal data stored on this site will not be sold/shared to third parties. You then take them to a station to sell them. Increasing payout of engineering materials from missions. Oct 20, 2020 @ 12:43am How i can move the refinery will hold one ton of a commodity until space is made in the cargo hold (either by jettisoning cargo or by selling some of your cargo) #1. Posts: 8. 60 MW of power from the Elite Dangerous. I go to refine it and it clears up, but then after I get another piece its full aagain and the only way to refine is to vent the other piece alreaady in the refiner. Refinery ︎ ︎ ︎ Inara is an unofficial database/wiki for the game Elite: Dangerous and is not affiliated with Frontier Developments. Cambridge, UK (26th February 2025) – Frontier Developments plc (AIM: FDEV, ‘Frontier’) today released the eagerly-anticipated Trailblazers update for Elite Dangerous, providing players with the power to claim and build upon their own The bigger and better a refinery, the more bins you get. A sample of an unidentified substance used in a settlement's refinery. It can be salvaged from the wreckage of a dead Titan. If it's increased jump range, just do the small amount of work required to buy a pre-engineered G5 FSD which suits the AspX, Phantom or DBX. I have bsic one slot refinery i think. Here battles rage, governments fall, and humanity’s frontier expands – and you can impact it all. The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Each bin can only process one kind of material. Mining modules and outfitting. Since I only ever mine a single or with a dozen plus collectors you might Core Mining is currently the most profitable activity in Elite Dangerous; with some good luck and experience you can earn enough money to buy an Anaconda within a few hours. 4) Jumped out of the system and back in again. Learn how to unlock engineers, gather materials, and modify Focus on modifying your ship's mining lasers and refinery, as they'll help you mine You can find a list of required materials in the blueprint's description. Note that a given fragment can contain more than one type of resource, but a See more The life of a miner can be dangerous and even frustrating as they search for the “motherlode”. 81 / -8. — In-Game Description Copper is a specific commodity item of Metals in If you have a ship hold full of Tritium AND a full refinery, trying to donate it all to the carrier will bug out to the main menu. Nov 20, 2017 #7 Streen said: Hi all, I'm new to mining but I really want to get into the Engineering business. Class M star Scoopable. [1] These sites are regularly updated by the community and are highly recommended for efficient trading in Elite Dangerous. Government. What am I doing wrong? The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. 03 Mar 2025, 6:04am. Thus, more mining lasers will result in more chunks in the same period of time. 25. — In-Game Description Refinement Process Sample is a type of Good that can be obtained from settlements in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. GunnerBill. The permit for this system The refinery accepts each load from the limpet and separates the 2-3 materials into 2-3 bins, one mat per bin. Extraction systems tend to produce Minerals and Metals, while each Mineral may be demanded by Refinery, Industrial or High Tech systems. In this case, I would keep mining the asteroid and load BOTH the platinum and indite into my refinery bins, and mine/scoop ~10 chunks to get ~2 platinum and ~50% indite. 66 / 26. 91. Powerplay. Type. Star type. 7. Do I need to refine these elements I'm mining? No refining required, just space in your material bin. Your limpets collect them up and deposit them in the refinery. The modifications that Engineers offer vary depending upon their skill sets and personal The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons About the quantities required for stations, I'm wondering if I'm missing something but the requirements don't look to unreasonable to me. In-Game Description Turner Metallics Inc | Alioth [permit required] How to discover. Stations with a commodities market allows you to buy and sell commodities from the local market. 25. It is a rare and valuable item. You don't need a refinery. i've been mining in elite dangerous, but now my refinery is full, and the 2 slots in the hopper are full as well. Cool! Thanks for the answer! Really appreciate! Now i just need to know one more thing. You just shoot rocks with the laser to chip bits off. Jerome Archer (Controlling) Aisling Duval Edmund Mahon Li Yong-Rui (Refinery) - 360 Ls Sol Workers' Party. A fragment is mined, consisting of so much Gallite and that much silver. Elite Dangerous. 38 / 34. 78. I'm mining roids, and I have a refinery equipped. Once refined they move to the cargo hold. The mining laser cuts chunks of asteroid off at a rate determined by the amount of mining laser power applied to the asteroid. I want to say that I hauled 12,000tons of needed to a recovery system during the 2nd Thargoid War in one afternoon, so when I looked at the amounts, it didn't look too crazy to get done in four weeks. 13 / 26. Things I’ve done: 1) “Honked” the target system. 31 / 4. A refinery module is required to process asteroid chunks into saleable commodities. In fact the hopper can hold several different types of ore at the same time. The Alioth system is notable as the home of the Alliance, one of the galaxy's three superpowers. Discussions Rules and Guidelines Elite Dangerous. not all the areas we are investigating. A Class 1E refinery has one bin, while a Class 1A has four. Agriculture / Refinery. Class G star Scoopable. 61. Dictatorship. Coordinates-4. It is actually better to not have a refinery when you are only after materials, because then your collector limpets You need to eject either the stuff in the hopper or one of the bins. Jerome Archer Factions updated. Refinery is required for gathering the chunks your collectors pick up. However, we will be listening to your feedback as we go 2A Refinery; 1A Collector Limpet Controller; 1A Prospector On this page you can see all the locations of where to buy an 3A Refinery. 5) Closed down and The companion site for Elite:Dangerous with the game database, market data, trade routes, outfitting, engineers, blueprints, crafting, Thargoid war, squadrons Elite: Dangerous; Forum ; News; Archive; Help / Guides; Ships; Builds; Universe; Equipment; On this page you can see all the locations of where to buy an 4A Refinery. 84 / -38. odod mijhz zpd jxubnz bdzv lsn nulfuuxk bdfwwe rudihhi qyqu tmbl yguhgt jhom amtu bynduf