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Iid tool key programming. 0 can be viewed as a PDF from Here.

Iid tool key programming The L494 RRS does not have comprehensive coverage yet, like say the Disco 3 or 4 or the previous RRS that's very similar to them. The same happens for both key fobs. Immediately after, hold down the Land Rover button on the key fob whilst pressing the hazard warning light button on the dashboard. May 23, 2023. Contact Us;. 2024/06/06 View Manuel de l’utilisateur pour IIDTool Pro et BT G3 et G4 SEULEMENT, version Française Tous les véhicules, version 40. Once the key is turned to position I, the LED on the IID-Tool is used instead of the instrument cluster to indicate status or step completion. e. ) accept any responsibility or liability for damages incurred through use of the IIDTool. 3 additional memory slots available to save GAP IID Tool & Key Fob Programming? Using the GAP Diagnostics IID Tool - I am trying to reprogram the key fobs (old style) – I get a horn honk at click#3 and continue to click 8 times per the screen directions. All Tools & Equipment; Air Tools; Battery Chargers, Starters & Testers; Car Care; Advanced Programming Functions: VIN-locked features for tuning, key programming, and more. Lucky. Fits. An Didn't LR change to un programable key ECUs at some point on later D4s to prevent thieves coding new keys in and stealing cars. The pin code is NOT something the dealership will reveal to you "for security reasons" which I call bull**** on but in a way they have a point because anyone who knows -Key Programming (L319-04) Use An already programmed key is needed to begin the procedure. To set the panic alarm, insert the key in to the ignition (position two) and then remove the key from the ignition. I had a new blank fob another dealer had given me because I was missing the 2nd key. Since we are taking it on a roadtrip across the country I would like to have a second key with us, just in 2) Key fob button configurations Program the key fob 'Land Rover' button The Land Rover button of Discovery 3's key fob (bottom of the 3 buttons, with the 'Land Rover' logo on it) can be programmed to do one of four things - trigger the panic alarm; turn on the 'follow-me-home' headlights; raise or lower the suspension; or release the upper-rear tailgate. What' I'm interested in is to learn what limitations each tool has or what complaints there are from forum members about each tool so I can make my final decision. But the more advanced functions such as ECU flashing and programming are VIN locked to one vehicle. User-Friendly App: Access all functions easily. iLAND PRO V1. Looking to add a spare key fob to my LR4. SKU. Regular price $558 00 $558. All you'll need is an extra key (Available for £18 on eBay) If you go to the IID tool website, GAP electronics, they have a full list for each of the JLR vehicles. Reactions: HSE-RRS-09 and gravitylover. Regular price $2,288 00 $2,288. FAST and FREE UK delivery on eligible orders. Regular price $638 00 $638. Key Programming (VIN Locked L319-04, L320-05) Just a quick update to this. maxx4wd; Apr 25, 2023; Selling! Replies 4 Views 5K. . Which I have. Atlantic British said in the video NO diagnostic tool can program keys except the dealer. 00 £485. Gone: 2015 L405 SDV8 Autobiography, Indus Silver with Black Pack. Oh, and before I forget, there’s a third and follow on question to This YouTube vid is a good instruction on using an IID tool to program D3 keys. Before I pull the trigger on a GAP IID tool I wanted to see which version I should get and/or if anyone in already has one I can use. Last night I took a stab at disabling the TPMS, but I had to guess at the procedure. Keys. Want to add an extra key for as little as £18? Well it turns out it's easy with the GAP IID Tool. com) Supported Devices Required for Operation: iPad Mini, iPad 3rd generation onward, iPhone 4S Land Rover/Range Rover GAP Diagnostic G4 IIDTool BT & Pro A powerful diagnostic system over IP (also called scan tool or code reader) in miniature format With a Bluetooth Smart module for mobile device connectivity. I ran into the same problem when I needed to do my Audi a few years back. Performance. Key programming (except Range Rover L322 2002-2009 and Defender) Car configuration / personalisation (CCF editing) Height adjustment (front, rear or all) Why Choose GAP IID Tool? The GAP IID Tool is a trusted diagnostic tool, I have had 100% success programing keys on BMW based L322's using a BMW key coder tool and an AK90 programmer (have done around 12 now). Also for: Iidtool bt g3. £582. Plate Holders. • “Each key is programmed at position The IIDTool Pro, IIDTool BT and regular IIDTool are powerful diagnostic tools that allow access to the electronic control units (ECUs) of Land Rover vehicles. Component system and sensor Can a £100 generic OBD2 tool compete with GAP's finest? I try three of the best on my Range Rover L322 to find out!iCarsoft LR V3. There are two basic ways that the COM programmer supplies you with CLSID and IID values. Models. Characteristics of each Interface. 28. a LR dealer quoted me $1000 for a 2nd key ($550 for the fob. To set the remote to turn on the headlights, insert the key to position two and then remove it Page 1 IIDTool Pro, IIDTool BT and IIDTool For all supported vehicles User Manual Version 33 Firmware V3. Totally free to join - message boards, galleries, wiki, off road events, social meetings. Available Settings and Description. GAP IID Tool is one of the best a Using the IIDTool to program non genuine keys to the Discovery 3. App Parameters. At fi rst, the IIDTool will start displaying messages to guide you through the process. 2024/06/06 View User Manual for IIDTool Pro and BT G2 ONLY (discontinued), English version All vehicles, version 33. Obviously, that is not true. Android devices. Key Programming (VIN Locked L319-04, L320-05) I've mostly used it to read/clear faults and do some basic troubleshooting. Compatible Mobile Devices. There is also another section for these models "Key programming (VIN locked L319-04, L320-05):" Preparation • Ensure all keys to be programmed are available. This only applies to Range Rover 2006-2009. The advert say D4 but the key reference is the same and the seller confirmed that it would work. Stu_c; Jul 16, 2020; 0 2. \r \r Pros/cons of both Whenever it has been connected it renders the vehicle in a state where it won't recognize any key - only solution is to disconnect battery, and then all monitors and codes are reset Reactions: Speedkills. Real-time data logging. Integrated Interface Diagnostic Tool (IIDTool) [with BLUETOOTH] Live data, component testing, programming and calibration for EAS. Then I Local programmer filling my head with rolling codes and saying simply not possible. Hope that helps GAP IID Bluetooth Tool . IID BT Tool G3 latest hardware verion A revolutionary approach to modern Land Rover vehicle diagnostics. It was the micro switch in the middle of the pcb which got loose. 0 Diagnostic Tool App Activation Kit And Bluetooth Adapter For Land Rover And Range Rover Vehicles (Includes All Vehicle Models Group Coverage) Item: ILANDPRO. it was super simple to get up and running with it and breeze to program the key. You can proceed to download the User’s Manual on the manufacturer’s website : https://www. Updated Oct 1, 2024; JavaScript; All references and tools belong to their respective owners. A – Teaching new vehicle keys – Teaching new vehicle batteries after a change – Resetting the battery monitoring (management) system Conclusion: Programming devices like the IID tool have an enormous range of functions Availability of Interfaces for each Tool. I've got the same issue and also ready to give in! 2 x different ebay keys and a genuine L322 "used" key from a different vehicle and no joy - pcf9741 id46 transponder version is the one that will apparently work. The IID tool is a powerful tool for customizing your Land Rover vehicle and offers, among other things, the possibility to influence the air suspension in various ways. Can the IIDTool reprogram the old (totaled) Manuals and User Guides for Gap Diagnostic IIDTool. After it is cut you can program it yourself and away you go. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Autel Maxiim Im608 Pro Programming and Diagnostic Tool at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! IID tool key programming Page 2 of 3 < 1: 2: 3 > BigRthanU Member Since: 03 Sep 2016 Location: Bridgend Posts: 36 : Location: Hampshire Posts: 2361 : The key was for my D3. They can be used to read and I bought a new (used) LR3, and only have one key. So if wanting a new set of keys its a new ECU? I have an MY10 and have programed new keys in a matter of minuits to my D4 via the IID tool. ebay. Joined Mar 26, 2017 GAP IID Tool BT. We have 1 Gap Diagnostic IIDTool Pro G3 manual available for free PDF download: User Manual. 22MY Defender 110 X Dynamic HSE D250, Gondwana Stone with too many options! 2022 Range Rover Sport D300 Dynamic Autobiography, Firenze Red with Black Pack. IID tool key programming Page 1 of 3: 1: 2: 3 > disco4ever Member Since: 23 Dec 2013 Location: under the car Posts: 404 : IID tool key programming: my every day key got bang. idl or . 0: https://www. LR3, 2005-2009. JET Master(SX-Tool) Jaguar Land rover Engineering Tool, Key programming / All keys lost support to 2024, PF = Pathfinder, VCI Enet refers to any normal Enet like BMW Enet cable, Reseller Program is open to JLR people from all over the world. e I am wondering if the IID tool can program additional keys to 2008 RRS models (flip key style)? My 2013 cost me nearly a grand to have two additional keys made for it, and I am hoping I can avoid that cost again by using this for my 2008. Note: Currently I’ve got the airbag light on and a traction control fault that I need to diagnose. com key:\r \r I paid £38 including delivery and Paypal fee. Original ECU settings backed up in an internal memory and available when required. 1K If one purchases the IID tool is it vin locked to your vehicle? Tombie Given all the above is their only one model IID tool to get? cheers Steve 19th February 2018, 10:25 PM #7. Troubleshooting tips for IIDTool diagnostic system by Gap Diagnostic. If it was a key that was missing when the last pairing was done and is now ignored by the LR3 as a result, then it can be re-paired by someone with Faultmate or possibly IID tool in addition to the ever friendly dealership. In this video we show you how to add an activity key or new remote keyfob to your Land Rover Defender using the GAP Diagnostics IID tool - this is currently I’ve gone ahead and ordered gap iid tool and a programmable key. If he bought the fob of eBay as someone else's spare then he's probably SOL as the key is programmed to the VIN #. The unfriendly way is an . Press to continue. Documents are updated regularly so be sure to come back often. Discovery I | 94 - 99 | Additional Adapter Needed For 14CUX (LUCAS HOTWIRE) EMS Access; Discovery Series II | 99 - 04; IID tool key programming Page 2 of 3 < 1: 2: 3 > BigRthanU Member Since: 03 Sep 2016 Location: Bridgend Posts: 36 : Location: Hampshire Posts: 2508 : The key was for my D3. Say goodbye to key fob programming worries with this st Todays video is a really quick guide to show you how to program a new key for a Land Rover Discovery 3 or 4 or Range Rover sport using the IID tool. Mobile App. L319-10, the radio must be turned OFF. Lighting. later models can still be done but required direct access to the KVM + a lot more skill and time. Gone: 2014 Discovery 4 HSE Luxury Firenze Red javascript security cryptography privacy compression cipher functional-programming hacking steganography infosec ramdajs hacking-tool data-exfiltration security-tools stego hacking-tools. L322-06, the handbrake must be disengaged. Shift Paddles. SteveMfr More questions about the IID Gap Tool Steve, I come from the offroad motorcycle realm so I don't have the knowledge of some The CLSID key for example is necessary to help COM find the executable file that implements a server, the programmer has to supply the CLSID guid. Usage of the term began in software development, with a long-standing combination of the two terms iterative and incremental [1] having been widely suggested for large development efforts. Basically the IID Tool offers these functions:Operation of all standard functions via cell phone appPermanent reprogramming Although this is also possible with the key remote Gap BT IID tool: will one of these program key fobs to a 2008 l322, just had a joke of a trip to land rover Northampton I tried to order a new key and fob was told upto a 2 month delivery and they cannot program l322 keys or disco 3 keys or p38 and freelander keys as they don't have the equipment this from a main dealer, so even if I brought a Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for GAP IID Tool BT Land Rover /Range Rover Diagnostic Tool (IIDTool BT) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products! You can have One Registered GAP IID tool . \r \r Links to Keys:\r \r Ebay Key: \r \r \r Autotoolscan. com/support/documents/IIDTool/ The manual is updated regularly. Do you know if we can program other car keys too ? When I tried looking online it points to the 4x more advanced tool. GAP IID Tool Pro = $2187 Less capable GAP IID Tool BT = $529 RSW Availability of Interfaces for each Tool. At fi rst, the IIDTool will start Find answers to frequently asked questions about Gap Diagnostic's advanced diagnostic tools for Land Rover and Range Rover. Land Rover integrated Interface Diagnostics Tool with Bluetooth connectivity currently supported devices are iPhone 4S, 5, iPod Touch 5, iPad Mini and iPad 3rd generation and up. • Ensure the vehicle is unlocked Having recently gotten a new key programmed I believe there are two options depending on the vehicle. 30. HCMB Rear View Mirror (L405 and L494 2014-2015) 133. I have also Buy Gap-Diagnostics IID Tool Advanced Land Rover Fault Code Reader from JGS4x4. When programming with the IID, i just get an E7 failed message when inserting and trying to program the 2nd key. by gravitylover. Key Programming (VIN locked L319-04) An already programmed key is needed to begin the procedure. co. Xrover; Jun 1, 2018; 5 IID tool and 2006 L320 Sport Key programming or not? nickguy; Mar 8, 2019; 3 5. Gap iid is an excellent tool. Apply for JLR Remote Support. Vehicle control modules software updates (ECU Re-Flashing*) Engine tuning, EGR Patching, Speed limiter raising and more (purchased separately***) Key programming (see user manual for supported vehicles and restrictions) Community site dedicated to Discovery 3, 4 LR3 and LR4 Owners and Enthusiasts. Gap IID BT g3 functions. Gap Diagnostics IID Bluetooth Tool - G4 Edition. The EEPROM chips in both the keys that I bought couldn't be programmed, so I got some PCF7935AS transponder chips from Locksmith Keyless for $3. For example, the 1985 DOD-STD The IID tool is a great bit of kit so I’m in and have contacted Pat Andy. uk is a UK Market-oriented one-stop eShop of Cheap OBD Diagnostic Tool, Car Key Locksmith for your car including engineer recommended Original Autel scanner, Xhorse VVDI, Xtool Tools, Vxdiag car diagnostic, ecu chiptuning, obdii eobd scanner, key programmer, mileage correction, IMMO tool, airbag resetter, locksmith tools, etc. L322 tdv8 poverty pack - wow Perentie 110 wagon ARN 49-107 (probably selling) turbo, p/steer, RFSV front axle/trutrack, HF, gullwing windows, double jerrys etc. In this video we take a quick look at an LR three using a Gap diagnostic IID tool Turn the key to the ON position (II) or push Start. I'm just maintaining it. If this video has helped About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Once the key is turned to position I, the LED on the IID- Tool is used instead of the instrument cluster to indicate status or step completion. 0 can be viewed as a PDF from Here. The firmware for the Gap tool is now out of beta for the +2017 vehicles. maxx4wd "Air Suspension Not In Customer Mode" when 3in1 features Diagnostic Coding Flashing (including Key Programming) for all DoIP-based vehicles, for all keys lost programming like the K8D2 RFA module will require replacing the package support JET Master(SX-Tool) Jaguar Land rover Engineering Tool, Key programming / All keys lost support to 2024, PF = Pathfinder, VCI Enet refers to any Iterative and incremental development is any combination of both iterative design (or iterative method) and incremental build model for development. (It did ) Open your original LR key and there is a code where the key is Just about pays for itself when simply programming a new key fob bought off Amazon as opposed to going the OEM dealer route $$$'s . 433Mhz is the key frequency for my part of the world and I think 315 is what is used in the USA for The IID Tool will probably want the vehicles pin code to program the key to the immobilizer of the car. Key programming. The IIDTool seems to be able to do both - but I understood it might need to be an genuine OEM key for your vehicle. I'm sure you already did this, but make sure you register your device, download the Gap Updater, open the Gap Updater, plug in the IID tool to your computer, find device on Gap Updater, select the proper firmware on the drop down bar, click on the Program Firmware to sync your IID tool, and then have at it on your LR4. IID Professional Diagnostic Tool Plugs Directly into Standard Vehicle Onboard Diagnostic Port - Connects via Bluetooth(FF015371) - Tools and Diagnostics for Evoque 2011-2018 Models from Famous Four Products Ltd. Key programming (except Range Rover L322 2002-2005) Car Configuration / Personalization (CCF editing, full CCF access upon request) View and Download Gap Diagnostic IIDTool Pro G3 user manual online. Jan 29, 2021 #6 K. GAP Diagnostic 2015-09-17 All right reserved. IID tool key programming Page 3 of 3 < 1: 2: 3: gstuart Member Since: 21 Oct 2016 Location: kent Posts: 14234 : Sly666 wrote: gstuart wrote: He can cut a key from a photo of your working key! Get it sent to work or a friend if your worried about the security of doing this. Re: IID tool and 2006 Range Rover Sport Key programming or n Just a quick update. Autel MaxiM IM508 Automotive Key Programming Scan Tool. IID Tool Disco 1 tdi traded up Disco 1 V8 LPG traded up RR P38 V8 LPG Melted Tools & Equipment . 0; Page 2 Read this instruction manual carefully! Disclaimers Neither the distributors nor the manufacturer (GAP Diagnostic, Inc. 52. But it will develop as the Disco set did. 3K Oct 20, 2020. com key:http://au My immediate requirements are covered by both tools (key programming, DRL, fog lamp coding, code reads). Go to add a key function and follow the on screen instructions. Save Share Using the IIDTool to program non genuine keys to the Discovery 3. If you want a slightly cheaper but professional car key programmer, the Autel MaxiM IM508 device is an excellent choice. Land Rover Discovery 3 (LR3) Key Programming with the IID Tool - YouTube. SDD Master Simple. 00. Links to Keys:Ebay Key: http://www. h file, several Windows components (DirectX, Media Foundation, WASAPI What I was most impressed about today, was it allowed me to program a new key. In this video we look at getting the DRL / Signature lights to come on with ignition on our Land Rover Discovery 4 / LR4 IID tool key programming Page 1 of 3: 1: 2: 3 > disco4ever Member Since: 23 Dec 2013 Location: under the car Posts: 402 : IID tool key programming: my every day key got bang. This only applies to Range Rover Sport 2010-2013 and Discovery 4 all years. Any other cool tips for the Autel 808? I bought it for my other non Land Rover cars primarily since I have the gap iid for the RRs. Key Programming (VIN Locked L319-04, L320-05) 122. Also 100% success on the later 2010 models using SDD. uk/itm/291654792448Autotoolscan. it will also be possible with the GAP IID tool. However I’m struggling to make a decision because I don’t know if I want to buy something specifically and only for the LR3 i. My current and only one was pretty beat up when I bought it and the dealer only gave me the one. A GAP Diagnostics assumes no liability for damages or injuries incurred during use or resulting from usage the IID-Tool. com. Fits Supported vehicle list•Defender Puma L316 2007 The user Manual for IID Pro Tool, IID BT and regular IID Tool V3. ktm525 Full Access Member. Mmmmm does my head in. ECU software updates embedded in the tool’s memory. Using the IID tool, I was able to program the key fob to my car. Older models without the locked down KVM can (I'm lead to believe) be programmed pretty easily with a diagnostic tool, maybe even the IID. User Manual for IIDTool Pro and BT G3 and G4 ONLY, English version All vehicles, version 40. In this section, you will find documents and information on how to get started and use our diagnostic products. Exchange BCU (Body Control Unit) Exchange CJB (Central Junction Box) Exchange Fuse Box Key Programming when all keys are lost. It does take a few steps with emails to gap to get everything unlocked for key programming but it does work now. I get to a step which says I will be “required to press and hold the unlock button when prompted”. GAP DIAGNOSTIC IID TOOL BLUETOOTH CONNECTIVITY - G3 GAP IID Tool and Replacement Key Kit. Feel free to send us an inquiry using the contact section. We have 2 Gap Diagnostic IIDTool manuals available for free PDF download: User Manual, Ownership And Operation Manual. One of the common failures of Discover 3 and Range Rover Sport models is the failure of the CJB often incorrectly called the BCU, This crucial unit often fails due to water ingress and short circuits in the wiring which blow circuits, this often If you have a 2017-newer, check out the G4 tool here: Gap Diagnostics IID Bluetooth Tool - G4 Edition – Lucky8 Off Road (lucky8llc. I have the bluetooth version (IID BT) and it works fine. Vehicle control modules software updates (ECU Re-flashing) EGR Patching, Speed limiter raising and more Key programming TFIIDPRO - IID Tool Bluetooth Land Rover specific Diagnostic tool for professional user - TF IID TOOL PROFESSIONAL DIAGNOSTIC TOOL - TFIIDPRO The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are The Advanced Programming Functions are VIN locked and include: Vehicle control modules software updates (ECU Re-flashing) Engine tuning, EGR Patching, Speed limiter raising and more; Key programming (except Range I called the Land Rover dealer and was quoted $300 for an additional key. Availability: Available to order subject to availability. That and the Madison Land Rover dealer quoted me In this playlist you'll find all videos in which I'am using the GAP IID tool to solve a problem or to check the car system. The most likely device to do this modification is the Gap Diagnostics IID tool, which will program non standard upgrades, allow modifications to Many people order the IID tool from us to be able to reprogram their Land Rover's key or to program a new key to their Rover. icarsoft. IIDTool Pro G3 diagnostic equipment pdf manual download. Key programming (except Range Rover L322 2002-2009 and Defender) Car configuration / personalisation (CCF IID BT Tool Firmware Updates and Add'l Features Question. Here's an extract from the Gap IID Manual. I’d be willing to spend the money on the IID We picked up a Gap Diagnostic iiD Tool as we wanted to get deeper into the Range Rovers heart! The Gap iiD tool was the most recommended on may forums and we Welcome to the support area. I'd like to reprogram the old useless fob to serve as a spare for my new LR3. Cost be £10 delivered. So my IID tool arrived and all activated and updated. gap-diagnostic. Cartool. My locksmith has already programmed 2 aftermarket key fobs and cut the blades for my LR3 and they worked perfectly. Check Number of Keys Programed. $450 for programming). 133. (It did ) Open your original LR key and there is a code where the key is I don't know if the dealer can activate non factory fitted options, as normally software is VIN locked to the vehicle. Add Key (VIN Locked L405, L494 L460, L461, L462, L538, L551, L560, L663, X540, X761, X590, X760, X250) 131. 31. 27. Searching this forum, there doesn't seem to be a thread to capture the tribal wisdom on how to get the most from the purchase price of the tool. Or to buy something that works with my other vehicles. Gap Diagnostics IID PRO Tool - G3 & G4. [] *i spoke with a locksmith who seems somewhat knowledgeable in the start/stop key programming process and he said that was pretty simple to do using only the ODB port, and not ripping my console apart and taking 4 - 6 hours like on my old 2006 L320 BMW engined vehicle. the IID tool. , Lincolnshire, UK (PDF, CSV). I was able to program an additional key yesterday with no issues. It is possible, on a 2006 FFRR to use the button programming instructions in the IID tool manual to program the buttons and then use CN3 clonable transponder chips, available from China and some online locksmiths and a CN900 cloning machine to make it all work. With a large LCD screen and a multilingual menu, the Autel IM508 automotive key programmer is perfect for start technicians and professional mechanics. GAP Diagnostic Manuals and User Guides for Gap Diagnostic IIDTool Pro G3. A powerful diagnostic system (also called scan tool or code reader) in miniature format With a Bluetooth® module for mobile device connectivity Interface Learn how to add a new aftermarket key using the GAP IID tool for your Land Rover LR4 or Discovery 4. @joedaddy805 how did you program keys with the autel? I have the 808BT and would Like to add a key. SmartTOP. Instead I bought a AK90+ key programmer and blank key fobs off of eBay from programtheremote. TFIIDBT, DA6400, DA6401, DA6402, DA6403, DA6404, DA6405, DA6406, DA6408, DA6409, DA6410, IDBT, IID BT Key programming (except Range Rover L322 2002-2009 and Defender) Car Configuration / Personalization (CCF editing (except Defender) Calibrations (except suspension, see advanced programming functions) Advanced Programming Functions. User manual: Version 21, Firmware V3. , you can find here. It tells me I will need a functioning key as well as the new one. 70 each and fixed that issue. 29. 0. jflts lkttoxm arqr slurya hmpdba kwutav itu lpcrfv ini miagjgw kdve huxbz gynzj ehya nlgtya