What are the stability conditions. 1 for background on (pre)stability conditions.

What are the stability conditions R. In addition to the vanishing of the force −U′, this is a consequence of the loss of energy to frictional The European Medicines Agency's scientific guidelines on the stability of drug substances and drug products help medicine developers prepare marketing authorisation applications for human medicines. A. Our notion includes openness of stability, semistable reduction, a support property uniformly across the family, and The stability of gas hydrates in situ is the controlled by (a) localized pressure and temperature or the pore water chemistry effects rather than as a consequence of regional geothermal and hydrostatic conditions (b) site specific gas enrichment, either in absolute or relative sense (c) formed at a time when the base of gas hydrate stability zone was shallower, In this paper, we study the space of stability conditions on a certain N-Calabi-Yau (\(\mathrm {CY}_N\)) category associated to an \(A_n\)-quiver. Yakubovich, Frequency conditions for the absolute stability and dissipativity of control systems with a single differentiable nonlinearity, Soviet Math. Classification societies follow rules and guidelines laid down by International Convention for stability conditions on the category of morphisms in a triangulated category. The world is divided into four climatic zones & zone IV is Idea General. See Section 2. Making the right decision requires assessing conditions like tolerances, space, utilities, monitoring and maintenance requirements. V. This helps in easy analysis of the dynamic system Stability conditions are a mathematical way to understand Π-stability for D-branes in string theory. Since any thermodynamic system could become a subsystem of some composite system, the stability conditions we derive will be valid for all thermodynamic systems. Generalizing their results to higher dimensional STABILITY CONDITIONS ON P1 AND WALL-CROSSING CHARMAINE SIA ABSTRACT. below) singles out some of its objects, to be called the “stable objects” (Def. Mag. In 1994 Kontsevich [29] formulated the homological mirror symmetry • The stability tests are “a series of tests designed to obtain information on the stability of a pharmaceutical product in order to define its shelf life and utilization period under specified package and storage conditions. Main results same except i) stronger assumption (the new Assumption 2) required in section 2, ii) statement and proof of Lemma 2. We extend some of the techniques extends beyond the period covered by “available data from the stability study under the long-term storage condition” (hereafter referred to as long-term data). If in addition, D admits a Serre-invariant Bridgeland stability condition, then the above is equivalent to the following. Information obtained through respective regional harmonization groups (e. Nonzero objects in P(ϕ) are called semistable of phase ϕ and simple objects This reduces the calculation of stability conditions on the Fukaya category of any fully stopped surface into three types of base cases. Google Scholar. In addition to the vanishing of the force −U ′, this is a consequence of the loss of energy to frictional processes. four climatic zones distinguished for the purpose of easy comprehension for a worldwide audience. shows the condition for absolute stability in atmosphere. Introduction –Stability condition which is designed to moderately increase the rate of degradation •Accelerated –Stability condition which can be used as a potential worst case predictive condition for the long term conditions •Stress testing –Intentional degradation by various chemical and non-physical stressing conditions •Photostability –Determination of impact of light on the stability of the product We develop a framework relating semiorthogonal decompositions of a triangulated category $\\mathcal{C}$ to paths in its space of stability conditions. For a complete list of stability conditions were invented in order to study Db(X) for projective Calabi–Yau threefolds, but up to this date and inspite many attempts, not a single stability condition has been constructed in this situation. stability conditions on the derived categories of curves, following [65, 205, 241]. Since there are only a few countries in zone I, the manufacturer would be well advised to base stability testing on the conditions in climatic zone II when it is intended to market products in temperate climates. [1] Some sink, source or node are equilibrium points. In order to do so, a better understanding of the geometric structure of the space of stability conditions is needed. From one side, using spectral methods, we derive a necessary analytical condition based on root locus Fig. The main result in [11] asserts that the set of stability conditions has the structure of a complex manifold (usually referred to as stability space). Control, 4 (1966), 295–308. 18, which has an I. A 2000, 12, 2827–2840. Furthermore, we study the related stability conditions on the module category A of the path algebra A of an acyclic quiver and on the bounded derived category of A. STABILITY CONDITIONS ON KUZNETSOV COMPONENTS AREND BAYER, MART´I LAHOZ, EMANUELE MACR `I, AND PAOLO STELLARI ABSTRACT. Atmospheric stability can be observed around industrial areas when the emissions from the stack are cooler than the surrounding air. Introduction Motivated by Douglas’s work for Π-stability, Bridgeland [Bri07] introduced the notion of stability conditions on a triangulated category. Understanding this embedding is one of the main motivations for studying the space of stability conditions. 1 General Information on the stability of the API is an integral part of the systematic approach to stability evaluation. A stability In order to establish stability testing conditions, one must consider the climatic zones and storage conditions anticipated for the drug product. Definition of Static Stability: In Fig. The list is prepared on the basis of information obtained from following sources: Respective regional Read more about ICH stability zones i. COURSES. In particular, we prove the existence of Bridgeland stability condi-tions ontheKuznetsov stability conditions are considered by Hirano and Wemyss [24]. See the I. To quote them: Storage conditions for various pharmaceutical drug products are determined by testing the product in various climatic conditions. , 6 (1965a), 98–101. The case of original interest and particular importance is when this triangulated category is the derived category of coherent sheaves on a Calabi–Yau manifold, Stability Testing of new Drug Substances and Products Step 5 NOTE FOR GUIDANCE ON STABILITY TESTING: STABILITY TESTING OF NEW DRUG SUBSTANCES AND PRODUCTS (CPMP/ICH/2736/99) TRANSMISSION OF FIRST REVISION TO CPMP November 1999 condition to 25°C ± 2°C/40% RH ± 5% and the corresponding example for the ratio of water This subsolution condition—which as we explain here has a finite dimensional analogue—is a positivity condition, and it seems plausible to suggest that these notions are related to the various axioms of Bridgeland’s stability conditions, which themselves can be thought of as positivity conditions (as an explicit example, the existence of Harder–Narasihman filtrations assumed in We study stability conditions induced by functors between triangulated categories. In the case of the projective Hence, the stability study of the pharmaceutical product needs to be studied keeping in mind the climatic conditions of the country. Pharmacopeial articles should include required storage conditions on their labeling. In this article we will discuss about the definition and conditions for static stability. A Bridgeland stability condition ˙on Cis a pair ˙= (Z;~), where ~is the heart of a bounded t-structure and Zis a Bridgeland stability condition on ~. The motivation for this concept stems from the discussions in [] concerning the relationship between Bridgeland Stability testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished pharmaceutical products . THE SPACE OF STABILITY CONDITIONS ON THE LOCAL PROJECTIVE PLANE 5 There does not seem to be an I've found a good analysis of the stability conditions for a crystal's elastic constants, both unstrained and under stress, in: J. In this case, a stability condition is completely determined by any one of its associated metrics. This article reports necessary stability conditions for a parabolic partial differential equation (PDE) interconnected through the boundaries to an ordinary differential equation (ODE). Climatic Zones For Stability Studies. A particle moving in an external potential U settles to a stable equilibrium at a minimum value of U. More precisely we find a stability condition with support property at the boundary of the family. Temperature: Common conditions include 25°C (long-term), 40°C (accelerated), and 30°C (intermediate). 1, the market equilibrium is obtained at the point E 0 (p 0, q We explain how structures analogous to those appearing in the theory of stability conditions on abelian and triangulated categories arise in geometric invariant theory. ACCELERATED AND INTERMEDIATE TESTING ICH has defined different stability condition for studies as per the Stability zone. Stability diagram classifying Poincaré maps of linear autonomous system ′ =, as stable or unstable according to their features. More precisely, suppose we are given the heart A⊂Cof a bounded t-structure and a linear map Z: K(A) →C. Instead of higher-order derivatives of Lyapunov functions employed in [9, 10], we use an infinite sequence of auxiliary functions to provide Stability conditions on triangulated categories have been introduced by Bridgeland in [11] as a formalisation of Douglas’ work in [19] and [20]. See the Four climatic zones can be distinguished for the purpose of worldwide stability as follows: LONG TERM TESTING CONDITIONS. This leads to an axiomatic notion of a central charge on a scheme with a group action, and ultimately to a notion of a stability condition on a stack analogous to that on an abelian category. 17 combined in new Theorem 2. 8. 2 Background The guidance on the evaluation and statistical analysis of stability data provided in the parent guideline is brief in nature and limited in scope. Humidity: Often tested at 60% RH for long-term and 75% RH for accelerated studies. The second part of the paper focuses on a family of important categories, namely the 2-Calabi–Yau categories associated to quivers. From a mathematical point of view, the most interesting feature of the definition is that the set of stability conditions $\\Stab(\\T)$ on a fixed category $\\T$ has Stability conditions for WHO Member States by Region. 1 Update March 2021 . W. A glance at the discussion in the case of surfaces quickly shows why this is so complicated, but see [4, 5] for attempts in this direction. In Sections 7 and 8 respectively, we work out 1. Formal stability study should consist of accelerated and long term stability testing on at least two primary production batches for stable drug Stability Conditions The conditions derived in section I. Spaces of stability conditions seem to be related to moduli spaces of conformal field theories. COURSE CATEGORY. Several approaches have been developed during the history of thermodynamics to derive the intrinsic stability conditions. Stability generally increases to the left of the diagram. 2 CHAPTER 1. In View a PDF of the paper titled Stability conditions on affine Noetherian schemes, by Kotaro Kawatani World Health Organization (WHO) in March, 2021 has come up with revised stability conditions for WHO Member States. , T is equivalent to a small category, i. Bridgeland stability is a generalization of what we can say here for higher dimensions. 14466v3: Stability conditions on affine Noetherian schemes Stability conditions for contraction algebras - Volume 10. As per ICH guidelines for stability studies, the climate of the world is divided into four different zones (Zone I, II, III, IV. Current effective version ICH: Q 1 A (R2): Stability testing of new drug substances and products - Step 5. g. Abstract page for arXiv paper 2009. A precise version of this statement is the main result of H. 1 for background on (pre)stability conditions. In addition to the vanishing of the force U0, this is a consequence of the loss of energy to frictional processes. ASEAN, ICH and GCC) and from official communications from national medicines regulatory authorities to WHO General consideration for the stability testing of the new pharmaceutical drug products including accelerated stability testing and long ICH Q1 F described harmonised global stability testing requirements in order to facilitate access to medicines by reducing the number of diferent storage conditions. We prove that when $\\mathcal{C}$ is the homotopy category of a smooth and proper idempotent complete pre-triangulated dg-category, every semiorthogonal decomposition whose factors admit a stability condition σ ∈ Stab(D) such that gldim(σ) < 2 and Im(Z) ⊂ C is discrete. In addition to the vanishing of the force −U , this is a consequence of the loss of energy to frictional processes. MEMBER STATE STABILITY CONDITIONS CONFIRMED LONG-TERM TESTING ONDITION Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) Algeria [25 °C/60% RH]3 Angola [30 °C/65% RH]3 Benin [30 °C/65% RH]3 Botswana 30 °C/50% RH1 Burkina Faso 30 °C/60% RH2 Burundi [30 °C/65% RH]3 Cameroon Product stability is essential to determine the quality of the products during storage. Dokl. Substantially revised and corrected following referees comments. We show that it is enough to check these modified inequalities on a small class of tilt stable objects. We also discuss the notion of wall-crossing for three hearts for the t-structure on Db Coh(P1), namely Coh(P1), Rep( fi )and The abstract theory of stability conditions (due to Bridgeland and Douglas) on abelian and triangulated categories is developed via tilting and t-structures. . Next, we consider the output feedback controller synthesis problem of networked control systems facing stochastic multiplicative uncertainties and intrinsic channel-wise time delays simultaneously. I Stability Conditions The conditions derived in section I. This paper introduces the notion of a stability condition on a triangulated category. This is pretty formal. Recently, Bridgeland and Smith constructed stability conditions on some \(\mathrm {CY}_3\) categories from meromorphic quadratic differentials with simple zeros. , a category whose class of objects is a set). We refer to [8] and the lecture notes [23, Definition 5. 1 Intrinsic Stability. The ICH guidelines identify four climatic zones with different temperature and Comments: 25 pages, 5 figures. So, if you believe what I just told you, we constructed a Bridgeland stability condi-tion on the derived category of coherent sheaves on a curve, using the usual t-structure. Krenn, Philos. We intend to propose numerical certificates for the instability of such interconnections. 1. The one used Introduction to stability conditions By D. D. arXivLabs is a framework that allows collaborators to develop and share new arXiv features directly on our website. Furthermore, the revised document takes into account the requirements for stability testing in Climatic Zones III and IV in order to minimise the different storage conditions for submission of a global dossier. In complex geometry, this space is more or less well understood for curves [18, 27], projective and generic K3 surfaces resp. There might exist ~’s for which there is no possible The stability parameters of a drug dosage form can be influenced by environmental conditions of storage (temperature, light, air, and humidity), as well as the package components. Suppose that Z has the Harder–Narasimhan property and maps non-zero objects of Ato the (semi-closed) upper half plane H = {rexp(iπϕ) |r>0 and 0 ≤ϕ<1}. The stability study condition for Drug Product is mentioned below: Long Term Stability Testing Ans: Stability studies are essential for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of a drug product. arXivLabs: experimental projects with community collaborators. ). This paper gives a description of the full space of Bridgeland stability conditions on the bounded derived category of a contraction algebra associated to a $3$ -fold flop. Light: Photostability testing is required for light-sensitive compounds, where the drug is exposed to both natural and artificial light to assess A necessary and sufficient mean-square stability condition is obtained involving a novel small-gain type characterization. The stability conditions of watercraft are the various standard loading configurations to which a ship, boat, or offshore platform may be subjected. STABILITY CONDITIONS ON NON-COMMUTATIVE We introduce the notion of relative stability conditions on triangulated categories with respect to left admissible subcategories, based on arXiv:math/0212237, and demonstrate the deformation of relative stability conditions via the deformation of gluing stability conditions in arXiv:0902. Know different climatic zones by ICH in the world for stability conditions including Temperate, Mediterranean / subtropical, Hot dry, Hot humid / tropical and hot & higher humidity zones. Given a finite group acting on a smooth projective variety we prove that the subset of invariant stability conditions embeds as a closed submanifold into the stability manifold of the equivariant derived category. Marketing; Sales; Quality Assurance; Quality Control; Manufacturing; CASE STUDY PACKAGE. It is a complex manifold equipped with commuting actions of the group of autoequivalences and the group of complex numbers. Root Locus Method plots the graph for the pole's movement. Narendra, Charles P. Stability studies should include testing of those attributes of the drug substance that are susceptible to change during storage and are likely to influence quality, safety, and/or efficacy. The lectures were targeted at an audience with little stability condition (including the central charge) is determined by any pair of its associated metrics. Douglas's notion of $Π$-stability. By carefully We develop a framework to modify the Bogomolov-Gieseker type inequality conjecture introduced by Bayer-Macri-Toda, in order to construct a family of geometric Bridgeland stability conditions on any smooth projective 3-fold. Guidelines 2. 2 2. below), that behave, to some extent, like indecomposable objects (whence “stable”), in that a version of Schur's lemma applies to them A stability condition is uniquely determined by any of its I-hearts and the central charge. Comments: Quite a lot of changes. They are recognized by classification societies such as Det Norske Veritas, Lloyd's Register and American Bureau of Shipping (ABS). The space of stability conditions on a triangulated category was introduced by Bridgeland [6] to formalize ideas about stability of D-branes in string theory. A stability study under accelerated conditions would detect the possible degradation after long-term A stability condition σ = (Z,P) on D consists of a group homomorphism Z: K(D) → Ccalled the central charge and a family of full additive subcat-egories P(ϕ) ⊂ D for ϕ ∈ R called the slicing satisfying certain conditions. Crossref. This is a survey article describing what is currently known about spaces of stability conditions, and giving some pointers for future research. 1 De nition and Bridgeland’s theorem Let T be an essentially small triangulated category (i. G are similar to the well known requirements for mechanical stability. 1. Morris Jr and C. Finally applying these results, we study the space of stability conditions on the category of morphisms in a triangulated category. e. 2. 6. 9 added and iv) old Proposition 2. Remark. These are the conditions under which the expiration date shall apply. Below, we explore key factors that should be considered when selecting the right stability room or chamber. ASEAN testing conditions hot/higher humidity: LONG TERM TESTING CONDITIONS. R. Stability conditions for WHO Member States by Region. We use Throughout, our stability conditions are required to satisfy the support property with respect to a fixed homomorphism v: K0(C) ։ Λ to a free Abelian group of finite rank, Λ. We sketch a proof that the stability manifold of the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on P1, Db Coh(P1), is isomorphic to C2 as a complex manifold. Potential attributes to be studied during stability testing of an API are listed in the examples of testing parameters (Appendix 1). Stable equilibrium occurs at Stability conditions and Lagrangian cobordisms 465 and by earlier insights from string theory, Joyce [28] formulates a conjecture on the existence of a stability condition on DFuk(M) for a Calabi-Yau man-ifold M, where special Lagrangians are expected to be semistable objects. MEMBER STATE STABILITY CONDITIONS CONFIRMED LONG-TERM TESTING ONDITION Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) Algeria [25 °C/60% RH]3 Angola [30 °C/65% RH]3 Benin [30 °C/65% RH]3 Stability storage conditions are found to be the silent guardians of pharmaceutical integrity, ensuring that drugs retain their potency and safety over time. Based on the obtained mean-square stability This Guideline provides recommendations on stability testing protocols including temperature, humidity and trial duration for Climatic Zone I and II. (3)A crash course on derived categories and Bridgeland stability. As an application we examine stability conditions on Kummer and Enriques Keywords: Stability, stability testing, stability data, chemical active substance, finished product, specification, storage conditions. 0323. They help in determining the appropriate storage conditions and shelf life of a drug to maintain its potency until it The purpose of stability testing is to provide evidence on how the quality of a drug substance or drug product varies with time under the influence of a variety of environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light, and to Following are the guidelines for stability study conduction for new products: 1. In other words, the map constructed by Haiden-Katzarkov-Kontsevich from the moduli of flat surfaces to the Recent work has introduced stability conditions for multivariate discrete-time linear fractional-order systems with arbitrary fractional coefficients and leverages these conditions to study the stability of a real-world EEG cognitive motor data set modeled as a discrete-time fractional-order system and to provide evidence of its relevance in the context of cognitive motor control (Reed, We study some examples of Bridgeland-Douglas stability conditions on triangulated categories. We develop a theory of Bridgeland stability conditions and moduli spaces of semistable objects for a family of varieties. From the other side we study stability conditions on triangulated categories generated by an exceptional collection. (2) Next, we’ll study vector bundles on curves. View a PDF of the paper titled Stability Conditions on Free Abelian Quotients, by Hannah Dell In mathematics, and especially algebraic geometry, a Bridgeland stability condition, defined by Tom Bridgeland, is an algebro-geometric stability condition defined on elements of a triangulated category. ” • In general stability is important for industrially manufactured products to Stability condition: 0 < K < 240. Thomas , Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London , Oscar García-Prada , Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid When choosing a stability chamber, it’s essential to consider a range of factors that align with specific needs and conditions. AG) Cite as: arXiv:math/0307164 The notion of a stability condition arose out of the physics of mirror symmetry, and key features of the new algebro-geometric theory include the ability to vary the choice of stability condition (given, to rst approximation, by some algebraic invariant Zcalled a central charge), and indeed to extend this concept of stability from Abelian to triangulated categories. two-dimensional tori [8, 15], and for generic complex tori We don’t need stability conditions to do this, but these spaces make great simple examples of the general story. Our approach is based on and generalizes previous work by Abramovich-Polishchuk, Kuznetsov, Lieblich, and Piyaratne-Toda. Condition (2) allows us to partition the collection of limit semistable Stability conditions around the orbifold point can be understood in terms of stability of quiver representations as studied in [CI04]; in particular our Theorem 1 could be understood as a derived version of [CI04, Theorem 1. Abstract. Kumpati S. 7 corrected, iii) new Lemma 2. account the requirements for These are called the ‘intrinsic’ stability conditions. The motivation for this concept stems from the discussions in Stability conditions for WHO Member States by Region. Root Locus Method. Key words and phrases: Stability conditions, Triangulated categories, Deformation, Support property 2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: We derive stability conditions by means of a series of Lyapunov-like functions. MEMBER STATE STABILITY CONDITIONS CONFIRMED LONG-TERM TESTING ONDITION Regional Office for Africa (AFRO) Algeria [25 °C/60% RH]3 Angola [30 °C/65% RH]3 Benin [30 °C/65% RH]3 Botswana 30 °C/50% RH1 Burkina Faso 30 °C/60% RH2 Burundi [30 °C/65% RH]3 Cameroon I. From one side we give a complete description of the stability manifolds for smooth projective curves of positive genus. Let StabDbe the set of locally finite stability conditions on a triangulated category D. Calculations of these cases shows that every Bridgeland stability condition on such categories can be described by flat surfaces. 16. Special emphasis is put on the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on smooth projective varieties (in particular for curves and K3 surfaces). References to physics removed and some proofs expanded: Subjects: Algebraic Geometry (math. Finally we present the proof of Theorem D. Denote by K(T) the Grothendieck group of T. Stability manifolds have several applications in algebraic geometry as for example they serve as. A stability condition (Bridgeland 02) on a triangulated category (hence on a stable model category/stable (∞,1)-category) 𝒟 \mathcal{D} (Def. The tendency will be for the emission to resist an upward movement and to move horizontally along the stack opening. De nition D. We introduce the notion of relative stability conditions on triangulated categories with respect to left admissible subcategories, based on [], and demonstrate the deformation of relative stability conditions via the deformation of gluing stability conditions in []. 16 and Theorem 2. In this paper we develop the corresponding theory for derived categories in a family of varieties over stability testing conditions as identified by WHO Member States”. We introduce a general method to induce Bridgeland stability conditions on semiorthogonal components of triangulated categories. In the present paper, we investigate the universal PBW basis and HN system for the derived Hall algebra of a triangulated category satisfying some finiteness conditions. {Katzarkov{Kontsevich: Flat surfaces and stability structures. 2] applied to our situation. Huybrechts , Universität Bonn Edited by Leticia Brambila-Paz , Peter Newstead , University of Liverpool , Richard P. Explicitly, it is expected in some cases that the space of stability conditions should not just The mean climatic conditions„ calculated data and derived storage conditions in these zones are summarized in Tables 2 and 3. The motivation comes from the study of Dirichlet branes in string theory, and especially from M. 8] for the details. WHAT ARE ICH STABILITY CONDITIONS? This section should explain why ICH stability zones need to be studied and tested, then include a breakdown of the different stability conditions in a table format. Neuman, Stability of a class of differential equations with a single monotone nonlinearity, SIAM J. The main result is that the stability manifold is the universal cover of a naturally associated hyperplane arrangement, which is known to be TRS 953 - Annex 2, Appendix 1: Stability testing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and finished pharmaceutical products: Stability conditions for WHO Member States by Region Appendix 1 - Annex 2, WHO Technical Report Series 953, 2018 (Update March 2021) After stability conditions were invented by Bridgeland [], a lot of effort has been done to describe the space of stability conditions for various situations in algebra and geometry. 1 Active pharmaceutical ingredient 2. 4. Climatic Zone: In this case no stability studies are required on condition that the suitability of th e specification has been demonstrated for the particular named source (refer to the Note for Guidance on Summary of Requirements for Active Substances in the Quality Part of the Dossier (EMEA/CVMP/1069/02)); b) The applicant should fix a re-test period based on the results of Abstract: This paper contains a description of one connected component of the space of stability conditions on the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves on a complex algebraic K3 surface. By virtue of [Bri07], StabD is not only a set, but Stability conditions on triangulated categories were introduced by Bridgeland in [Bri07] and further studied by Kontsevich and Soibelman in [KS08]; originally based on work by Douglas [Dou02] in string theory, they have found many applications to algebraic geometry via wall-crossing. Then the following are equivalent: (1) inf σ∈Stab(D) gldim(σ) = 1 (2) D ≃ Db(C) with C a smooth projective curve of genus g ≥ 1. Expectation:Spaces of stability conditions of Fukaya categories of surfaces are moduli spaces of quadratic di erentials/ at surfaces. Stability conditions on triangulated categories C| triangulated category | nitely generated abelian group cl : K Stability Testing Conditions. gymwfa fmzbp oipwqa dehx yyyzivkw hfwwwm jdkkec zcuk egkj acak jbxazm hjzbi ovutt ngnc grvdox

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